Monday 1 February 2010

Zappedy Doo-dah

Zappedy doo-dah, zappedy-aay, my oh my I get zapped every day.

And, apparently, there's a phase II! Last week passed without any alarms and only really my self-inflicted side-effect to bother me. 5 zaps, blood sample, weighed twice, quickie chemo, chat with dietitian, balloon updated and consultation with Doc J & the posse.

Interesting twist was when the nurses pinned me to the bed on Friday and said they'd be a wee big longer today, "as you know, for your 2nd phase, you need more markings on your mask". Eh, well, no, I didn't know about phase II actually. "Ock, just a different angle of attack that they'll do at LA6 from the end of next week".

Didn't ask if LA6 had a pet name, but will wait to get 1st hand reaction from that team. Not sure what it really means yet, but think that my daily left, right & center zaps (yes its really 3 a day) will increase by 2 or 3 so that at the final curtain of this plot, Withnail & I can go our separate ways.

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